Wednesday 31 July 2024

August 2024 - Radiate

 Welcome to the Dare to Blossom Newsletter

This summer's programme is a series of six workshops on Zoom so you can choose when to take part during the  holiday season - read on for more details.

Reflections: Radiate
Summer Compass Rose Workshops continue

The 'Shine Your Light' Compass Rose Programme: two taster circles before we start on 16th September
'Your Compass Rose Speaks' audiobook release very soon

Dare to Blossom Cards, Books and Art (exclusive sale prices on paintings for newsletter readers)
One to One Coaching
A shout-out for: Womancraft Publishing

Reflections: Radiate

So interesting to see the unusual flow of so many shades of blue interrupted by this summery card

Radiate: here in the UK it is summer, even though the weather recently has not been very good - lots of rain and clouds here in Cornwall, and now this week the sun has come out and it has been glorious. Such a cheerful card: I think of the smiles of the people here on holiday, of the joy of connecting with you however we do that.


If you would like to join me in reflection, ask yourself the questions here, and write in your journal. Or, if you prefer, read on and come back later.
  • What is your first response? To the word? To the colour?
  • What else is there?
  • And, what else?
  • What does Radiate add to the other cards so far? How do the colours connect together? 

What else is there?

Yesterday I did some writing in my little travelling journal, whilst sitting over a solo coffee in a peaceful cafe (which soon filled up with the buzz of others arriving). I will be sharing more of that further down in this newsletter as it was in connection with the September 'Shine Your Light' programme.

And, what else?

There are so many aspects to the word 'Radiate' The sun's radiation, that maintains life on Earth  Someone's personality that radiates out to the people around them. A radiator, providing heat in my home.

What does Radiate add to the other cards so far? How do the colours connect together?  

First, my eyes are drawn to the positions of the cards. Radiate is opposite Silence, Preceded by Intuition. All the sea blues interspersed with (so far) just two different colours. The warm yellow of Radiate speaks of the summer sun to me. And the equally warm red of Story reminds me of the red Devon sandstone cliffs at Sidmouth, a place my husband and I love visiting. The last time we were there was a stormy day in March 2023.

Summer Compass Rose Workshops

As I mentioned last month, it is nine years since I left full time employment and decided to focus solely on Dare to Blossom after the rather difficult time of being made redundant, helping to close up the office, and saying goodbye to colleagues, I decided to play - and so the idea of a 'Magic Carpet Ride' was born. Little did I know then that it would become such an integral part of all I do now.

If you read that piece last month, you may remember I have decided to offer stand alone workshops on Zoom during July and August. They will follow the usual flow beginning in the centre, in Peace, visiting each point of the compass: North - Purpose, East - Passion, South - Power, West - Progress, and returning to the centre point to Peace. For this summer season, you are invited to dip a toe in the water, to try out one or more of these workshops.

The first two workshops have taken place, both were a beautiful small gatherings with some powerful insights for all of us present.

Each can be booked separately, for £25, allowing flexibility around your plans for the summer. (If you are a member of the Stay Connected group of people who have taken part in any of the six week Compass Rose programmes then there is a special price for you).

All on Wednesdays at 11.00 am UK time. The next is on 7th august, and the theme is the East point of the Compass Rose, Passion.

Click here for all the dates and booking links, or simply reply to this email if you have any questions.

The 'Shine Your Light' Compass Rose Programme: two taster circles before 16th September

This new programme 'Shine Your Light' - is an opportunity to gently explore your unique individual light within. How you would like to share it with the world - to shine - and how you wish your light to stay private for yourself too.

The taster sessions will be on Wednesdays 4th and 11th September at 11.00 am UK time.  I may offer additional tasters at a later hour to be easier for those of you in North America. Please do contact me if this would be of interest to you, or if you have any other questions.

The six week turn around the Compass Rose will open week beginning 16th September. The fee will be £168 for the six weeks,  with a discount for previous attendees. As well as the weekly Zoom gatherings each Wednesday at 11.00 am, (with a recording in case you miss one or would like to listen again to the conversations and insights), you will be invited to a private Facebook group where I share weekly and daily prompts. (If you prefer not to take part on FB, I can send these by email to you). When the six week programme ends you will have access to all the materials in the group to review whenever you wish. You will also be eligible to join the Stay Connected Group where we share a monthly Zoom catch-up call and you will be offered a discount on all future programmes.

You can pay in two instalments if you wish. Contact me to arrange this or to arrange a one to one Zoom chat so you can consider if this may be for you. I occasionally offer a concessionary rate place so if you are drawn to this but money is an issue please do ask for a conversation about this.

'Your Compass Rose Speaks' audiobook release very soon

The release of the audio version of my most recent book is very close now. After an interesting experience for me recording it, and lots of work by my wonderful publisher Alice of the Golden Dragonfly Press, it is nearly ready, and will be available via Amazon/Audible


Dare to Blossom Cards, Books and Art  (exclusive sale prices on paintings for newsletter readers)

While I have been emphasising the new 'Time for You' Cards recently, all my other offerings are still popular - the two decks of 'Rediscovery Cards' are also only available direct from me.

I have some copies of most of my books that I can sign and dedicate for you, see the website page here, simply reply to this email to ask me about them. Alternatively you will find them from online booksellers.

Finally, here are some examples of my encaustic artwork -  I am aware that I have not updated my website page for some time as I have been mostly selling them via private connections. As a thank you to, my loyal newsletter readers, I am offering you special sale prices, all half price - £24 instead of  £48 (plus p&p to where you are), on any of the wax paintings shown here. They are small (mounted size 6"x8"), light, and easy to post. Showing them together doesn't really do the glowing colours justice, so I can send you a better photo, simply contact me to ask about availability of any you would like to buy.


One to One Coaching

The 'Deep and Slow' special offer for six x one hour sessions is still available. And so is the completely flexible 'Rediscovery Coaching' service where you can book one session or more, 30 minutes or an hour.

In any case, the first step is to 
contact me (or simply reply to this email) for a chat on Zoom to discover if it feels good for us to work together, and which option would suit you best. For those of us not busy with family and holidays, the summer months may feel a little empty, so this can be the perfect time to gift yourself the opportunity for some gentle in-depth exploration.

I send wishes for health and happiness for you and all you love.

Thank you for joining me here this month, any thoughts, feedback, or questions are always welcome.


Monday 1 July 2024

July 2024 - Intuition


This summer's programme is a series of six workshops on Zoom so you can choose when to take part during the  holiday season - read on for more details.

Reflections: Intuition
Summer Compass Rose Workshops

Advance notice: the autumn 'Shine Your Light' Compass Rose Programme begins on 16th September
Dare to Blossom Cards, Books and Art 
One to One Coaching

Reflections: Intuition

My goodness, another blue, I have never seen such a flow of cards all in these shades. With each additional blue card, the warm red of story stands out even more somehow. That is my first response.

Intuition - the word also seems to continue a theme, how interesting.


If you would like to join me in reflection, ask yourself the questions here, and write in your journal. Or, if you prefer, read on and come back later.
  • What is your first response? To the word? To the colour?
  • What else is there?
  • And, what else?
  • What does Growth add to the other cards so far? How do the colours connect together? 

What else is there?

I have gradually learned to trust my own intuition over the years.

And, what else?

If I gift myself time to pause, to listen, what is my Intuition bringing for me just now? Right now I am not sure, so I return to looking at the flow of words around the year so far - Angels, Silence, Story, Reflect, Growth, Vision, Intuition. For me, this is prompting me to slow down, to take some time with my journal, away from my computer and my work.

What does Intuition add to the other cards so far? How do the colours connect together?  

The words I wrote here last month are even more true now -  "Somehow each blue is accentuating the soft red of Story, as if to keep asking 'What is your Story? And, where is the Beauty in the Story?'". And - what does Intuition add?

Summer Compass Rose Workshops

It is nine years since I left full time employment and decided to focus solely on Dare to Blossom after the rather difficult time of being made redundant, helping to close up the office, and saying goodbye to colleagues, I decided to play - and so the idea of a 'Magic Carpet Ride' was born. Little did I know then that it would become such an integral part of all I do now.

After consulting with my community of 'Dare to Blossom people', I have decided to offer stand alone workshops on Zoom during July and August. They will follow the usual flow beginning in the centre, in Peace, visiting each point of the compass: North - Purpose, East - Passion, South - Power, West - Progress, and returning to the centre point to Peace.

For this summer season, you are invited to dip a toe in the water, to try out one or more of these workshops.

Each can be booked separately, for £25, allowing flexibility around your plans for the summer. Alternatively, you may like to book all six in advance for £132 (£22 each). Currently they will be on Wednesdays at 11.00 am UK time.  There is the possibility of the occasional Thursday evening event to help with time zone challenges if there is enough interest - but for now I am keeping it simple..

Why would you join me? Here are some words from Sally Roberts:

"This gentle transformative process that Mary takes you through is extraordinary - deceptively simple and yet very powerful. In it you find parts of you that you may not have connected with before and messages of wisdom from your higher self that may inspire and guide you to your best life. Have a go … won’t regret it!"

We begin with Peace on Wednesday 24 July at 11.00 am 

Click here for all the dates and booking links, or simply reply to this email if you have any questions.

Dare to Blossom Cards, Books and Art 

While I have been emphasising the new 'Time for You' Cards recently, all my other offerings are still popular - the two decks of 'Rediscovery Cards' are also only available direct from me.

I have some copies of most of my books that I can sign and dedicate for you, see the website page here. Alternatively you will find them from online booksellers , or simply reply to this email to ask me about them.

Finally, here are some examples of my encaustic artwork -  I am aware that I have not updated my website page for some time as I have been mostly selling them via private connections. Some of these are still available, all £48 plus p&p to where you are, simply contact me to ask about any you are interested in, or to commission a painting.


One to One Coaching

After I removed my reference to this last month, I was asked if I still offer this service, the answer is yes, I do. The 'Deep and Slow' special offer for six x one hour sessions is still available. And so is the completely flexible 'Rediscovery Coaching' service where you can book one session or more, 30 minutes or an hour.

In any case, the first step is to 
contact me (or simply reply to this email) for a chat on Zoom to discover if it feels good for us to work together, and which option would suit you best. For those of us not busy with family and holidays, the summer months may feel a little empty, so this can be the perfect time to gift yourself the opportunity for some gentle in-depth exploration.

I send wishes for health and happiness for you and all you love.

Thank you for joining me here this month, any thoughts, feedback, or questions are always welcome.
