Thursday 26 September 2024

October 2024 - Stillness


Welcome to the Dare to Blossom Newsletter

Reflections: Stillness
Pre-orders open for "Weaving Our Way Beyond Patriarchy - A Womancraft Compendium
Two Compass Rose Programmes to complete 2024
SilverFest in Tavistock 17th and 18th October
Other ways to connect: two monthly Circles, and one to one

If you read this before Monday 30th September, you are warmly invited to join me for the Monday Monthly Circle, here is the Zoom link for 7.30 pm UK time.

Reflections: Stillness

My first response is: ah, a return to shades of blue. 


If you would like to join me in reflection, ask yourself the questions here, and write in your journal. Or, if you prefer, read on and come back later.
  • What is your first response? To the word? To the colour?
  • What else is there?
  • And, what else?
  • What does Stillness add to the other cards so far? How do the colours connect together? 

What else is there?

Stillness - a deep breath in, a deeper one out. My favourite place to experience Stillness is in nature. And, of course nature is rarely, if ever, still. Something about allowing myself to simply be, to observe whatever is around me, allows me to drop into Stillness within. Recently we had some glorious September weather here in Cornwall and as I walked on the cliffs I was able to stop, sit on a rock and be still. Even when I want to keep moving to stay warm, there is a quality of Stillness to be found within.

And, what else?

Sometimes for me, the hardest thing is to find Stillness in my thoughts. My busy mind is full of things to do, often with fears and worries constantly popping up. Can I drop down below that surface, down, down into Stillness? Or I could choose to soar, up, up, above the clouds of daily life, up into the blue blueness of the sky above.

What does Stillness add to the other cards so far? How do the colours connect together?  

What does Stillness add?  As I look at the photo again, I notice that the quarter points of the circle each have a turquoise blue/green card (not to mention the others in that shade that have appeared also). Angels - January, could be seen as North. Reflect - April, East, is directly opposite Stillness, a beautiful pairing. Intuition - South. And now back to Stillness - West. I notice the cards are in more than one shade of turquoise blue/green. With the addition of Silence, and Growth, they all fit together so beautifully (as they always do, and even now that still surprises me).

Pre-orders open for "Weaving Our Way Beyond Patriarchy - A Womancraft Compendium

I am honoured to have three of my pieces chosen to be included in this very special volume, celebrating the tenth anniversary of Womancraft Publishing. Publication date is in November. Everyone who pre-orders receives a number of bonuses. If you would like to know more visit this link  (I am an affiliate so I receive a small percentage if you decide to order, this or any other books.)

From the Womancraft website:

"If what we are experiencing right now are the death throes of patriarchy…how did we get here…and what comes next?

Taking the ancient women’s work of weaving as its framework, Weaving Our Way Beyond Patriarchy is a collaborative text of voices woven from the Womancraft community – our own authors, both established and upcoming, aligned authors published elsewhere, and readers, ranging in age from twelve to over seventy.

Through poetry, prose, letters, articles and artwork, more than eighty women – authors, ​activists,​ artists,​ ​community builders, doctors, doulas, ​priestesses, ​poets, permaculturalists, professors, teachers, witches, ​yoga teachers, mothers, grandmothers – reflect on what it might look like beyond patriarchy and how we might get there, from the big picture to the domestic details.

This diverse and inclusive compendium of contemporary women’s wisdom is bound to become a much-loved handbook to carry us forward through these strange and uncertain times, with words to encourage and inspire us and our sisters, daughters, granddaughters, friends and communities."

Two Compass Rose Programmes as we complete 2024

This year I am offering two programmes during November and early December, with the calls on different days and times, intending to suit people with varying schedules or in different time zones.

The first is 'Rediscover Your Inner Wisdom' with taster sessions on Tuesdays 8th and 22nd October at 2.30 pm UK time. The six-week flow will begin on Sunday 27th October with the weekly Zoom gatherings on Tuesdays at the same time.

The other is 'Sanctuary Within', with just one taster session, on Wednesday 30th October at 11.00 am, beginning the following week.

Whichever programme you may choose to join, the six weeks together will offer you a place where you can rediscover your inner wisdom and find a sanctuary within yourself.  Depending on the response, I may combine the two programmes into one with two call times each week, or offer just one or the other - I am leaving it all open to exploration just now. Please rely to this email if you have any thoughts on this.

You are most welcome to join me for all or any of the taster circles just to have fun and find out more, with no expectation that you will sign up, simply the gentle invitation to do so if they feel right for you.
The fee for either will be £168 for the six weeks,  with a discount for previous attendees. If they both run as separate programmes and you should wish to come along to both, I will offer you a good discount, just contact me to discuss. As well as the weekly Zoom gatherings (with a recording in case you miss one or would like to listen again to the conversations and insights), you will be invited to a private Facebook group where I share weekly and daily prompts. (If you prefer not to take part on FB, I can send these by email to you).

When any six week programme ends you continue to have access to all the materials in the group to review whenever you wish. You will also be eligible to join the Stay Connected Group where we share a monthly Zoom catch-up call and you will be offered a discount on all future programmes.

You can pay in two instalments if you wish. Contact me to arrange this or to arrange a one to one Zoom chat so you can consider if this may be for you. I occasionally offer a concessionary rate place so if you are drawn to this programme, but money is an issue please do ask for a conversation about this.

SilverFest in Tavistock 17th and 18th October

This year the Silver Tent celebration is on two days, Thursday 17th and Friday 18th October. It is open to any woman over fifty, you do not need to be a member (although you can join the online community free of charge, on the website here, or on Facebook). There is some information on the flyer image below, I hope to have full details of the programme very soon, so do reply to this email if you would like to know more about attending on one or both days. Or if you prefer to ask the organiser direct, contact Vanessa on

I will be there with a table showing my books, cards and artwork, and there will be talks and workshops. For some reason I don't have any photos of last year's events, here is my stand at the Bude Feel Good Festival on 8th September.

Other ways to connect: two monthly Circles, and one to one

The monthly circles are continuing, as mentioned above, you may be in time to join us on Monday 30th at 7.30 pm. The October dates are Saturday 12th at 11.00 am, and Monday 28th at 7.30 pm. Contact me to receive the Zoom links if you would like to join me for a peaceful hour together.

And, you are always very welcome to contact me to arrange a one to one chat on Zoom to discuss working with me as your coach or to find out more about any of my events or programmes.

I send wishes for health and happiness for you and all you love.

Thank you for joining me here this month, any thoughts, feedback, or questions are always welcome.
