Sunday, 26 January 2025

February 2025 - Presence

Reflections: Presence

'Be You and Shine' -  the first Compass Rose Programme of 2025
Other ways to connect: two monthly Circles, and one to one
My Substack space: 'Dare to Blossom with Mary Lunnen'

Reflections: Presence

Last month I mentioned that I noticed that the card for January, Harmony, was facing 'backwards', as if looking back into the past... I decided not to change it then. And now, seeing the spread for 2025 with the next card turned over, that makes sense.

January takes its name from Janus, the Roman god who looked both ways. The god of beginnings, gates, transitions, time, choices, duality, doorways, passages, and endings (Wikipedia). And now Presence reminds me to be, simply be here,now, in this moment. In Ease and Rest, with Harmony. The deep blue feels calm and peaceful today.

If you would like to join me in reflection, ask yourself the questions here, and write in your journal. Or, if you prefer, read on and come back later.
  • What is your first response? To each word? To the colours?
  • What else is there?
  • And, what else?
  • What is your response to the three words together: Ease, Rest, Harmony? How do all the colours connect together? 
  • Maybe you would like to join me in January reflections on looking back and looking forward?

What else is there?
I am sometimes tempted to wish I was elsewhere when events in my life don't turn out just how I would like. Nothing dramatic most of the time, simply feeling resentful at spending time doing housework perhaps. And yet can I choose to be present in myself, with myself, in whatever I am doing?

And, what else?
The 'what else?' for me today is to return to Ease and Rest, to be present with those core needs of my own, at the same time as devoting myself to those of others.

'Be You and Shine' -  the first Compass Rose Programme of 2025

If you had a moment to read the 'extra bulletin' in January,  you will have already seen that I had a rethink and decided on a new theme to start 2025.


The inspiration for this new theme arose, in a roundabout way from a walk I took around Christmas on a very rare dry day. Walking back along the track leading from the cliffs, I noticed something I must have passed by in the other direction earlier.

feather angel No 1 cropped

Two small white feathers stuck in the mud in an unusual arrangement, almost looking like wings. I took some photos and shared them on my Facebook feed with the comment "I met an angel on my walk today....'' and received a heartwarming response. Then I used this thought as the starting point for our jointly created story one week in Resa Ferreira's Story Circle - and that led me to those words: Be You and Shine. (Resa is a talented and experienced story-teller and has a podcast: Being Storied, click the link to listen.)

When I shared the new title with a few of the regular participants in the Compass Rose programmes, their response was very positive, along the lines of 'ooh, yes please!'

And so here we are, and we will begin with the opening of the private Facebook group on 1st or 2nd February, with the first weekly prompts shared on Sunday 2nd, and the daily flow beginning on Monday 3rd.

The fee is £175 for the six weeks,  with a discount for previous attendees.  As well as the weekly Zoom gatherings (with a recording in case you miss one or would like to listen again to the conversations and insights), you will be invited to a private Facebook group where I share weekly and daily prompts. (If you prefer not to take part on FB, I can send these by email to you). All the details are here, along with a PayPal payment link. If you are in the UK and able to pay by bank transfer, that helps me, so just ask for the details.

When any six week programme ends you continue to have access to all the materials in the group to review whenever you wish. You will also be eligible to join the Stay Connected Group where we share a monthly Zoom catch-up call and you will be offered a discount on all future programmes.

You can pay in two instalments if you wish. Contact me to arrange this or to arrange a one to one Zoom chat so you can consider if this may be for you. I occasionally offer a concessionary rate place so if you are drawn to this programme, but money is an issue please do ask for a conversation about this.

Other ways to connect: monthly Circles, and one to one

The next monthly circle is on Saturday 1st February at 11.00 am. Contact me to receive the Zoom link if you would like to join us for a peaceful hour together. The March event will be on 1st at the same time and I will share the rest of the dates for 2025 soon on the website page, and decide whether to restart the Monday evening gatherings when the light returns.

And, you are always very welcome to contact me to arrange a one to one chat on Zoom to discuss working with me as your coach or to find out more about any of my events or programmes.

My Substack space: 'Dare to Blossom with Mary Lunnen'

After deliberating last month I decided against moving this newsletter to Substack straight away, but I did take the opportunity to 'just do it' rather than dithering over how to approach developing a Substack presence So I have begun using it as a place to share a 'messy first draft' of a potential Companion Guide to the Wisdom of Wild Cornwall Cards.
It felt, and still feels, a little scary to put these pieces out there just in their 'raw' state, but they have attracted a few subscribers - some who are old friends, others completely new to my work.

Currently it is all free, I may add extras for paid subscribers at some point, and I have included the option of a one-off donation for anyone who would like to support what I do. I would love it if you feel like taking a moment to visit there - and if you choose to subscribe (for free) that would be wonderful. Here is the link.

Oh, and I am finding an element of memoir is creeping in, with a sub-title emerging: Connections and Memories.

I send wishes for health and happiness for you and all you love in 2025 and beyond

Thank you for joining me here this month, any thoughts, feedback, or questions are always welcome.


Thursday, 9 January 2025

Changes for 2025

Normally I share my regular newsletter here that also goes out to subscribers via MailChimp - but this year I simply forgot to do that, and in the time since then so much has changed that most of it is already out of date!

Boobys Bay late January 2024All good things too: in a whirl of creativity, I published my first post on Substack (see here if you are interested, and please do subscribe). For now, I will continue with the newsletter, but I may decide to transfer it all to Substack in the future. 


I also changed around my plans for the first two months of the year. The Wisdom of Wild Cornwall exploration will now be offered as two standalone workshops in January. (see here for details), and the first Compass Rose programme is "Be You and Shine", beginning in the first full week of February, with taster events before then. Again, full details are on the Workshops and Events page here.

Thank you for reading here over the years, I am so grateful for yuor presence.

Thursday, 28 November 2024

December 2024 - Listen


Reflections: Listen

Wisdom of Wild Cornwall cards - perfect gifts
"Weaving Our Way Beyond Patriarchy" now available
'Wisdom of Wild Cornwall' - the first Compass Rose Programme of 2025
Other ways to connect: two monthly Circles, and one to one

Reflections: Listen

As I come to the end of the circle of cards for 2024, I find Listen. For me, that feels perfect...  a time to pause, to reflect, to listen. Another blue card in this year of so many in various shades of this colour.

If you would like to join me in reflection, ask yourself the questions here, and write in your journal. Or, if you prefer, read on and come back later.
  • What is your first response? To the word? To the colour?
  • What else is there?
  • And, what else?
  • What does Listen add to the other cards so far? How do all the colours connect together? 

What else is there?

Almost at the end of another year, and the second time I have used this form of monthly prompts, my next response is to wonder if you have enjoyed this,  for the second year? Please do let me know if you would like to see this again for 2025, that would really help me in deciding how to plan the newsletters for the next twelve months. Thank you in advance. I will listen to your thoughts - and I can only do that if you tell me your views! Simply reply to this email.

And, what else?

Maybe for me, the 'what else' is simply the word - Listen, and in order to so so that I need to be still, to rest, simply to be. Then, then maybe I will hear the whispers of my inner wisdom, and the guidance that suggests 'what next?'

What does Listen add to all the other cards this year? How do all the colours connect together?  

As I noted above, the colour is continuing the shades of blues and greens that have predominated all around this year, apart from those three bright colours. Having asked the question about whether to repeat this again for 2025, I am tempted to draw a spread, even if only for my eyes, simply to find out what colours will emerge and how different they may be to those for this year.

Wisdom of Wild Cornwall cards - perfect gifts

The launch events for these new cards have given me a chance to explore, with the help of those present, how these cards are very different to all my other three decks (although I hasten to add - lest they 'feel' offended - that those are still central to everything I do, and each has their own individual and unique qualities).

The feedback has led to me offering a six week deep dive programme in January using these cards to explore as we take a turn around the Compass Rose. (See more below, there is one taster circle on Zoom before Christmas, and two in January)

All or any of the decks make perfect gifts - they will continue to bring joy and insights in all the different ways people find to enjoy and use them for themselves and with their families, friends and clients, all through the year.

They are each priced at £16 plus shipping to where you are - if you are ordering more than one, or combining with a order for books or artwork, please do check with me so I can calculate the most cost-effective postage for you.

Seasonal special offer: buy all four decks for the price of three (plus shipping) - the perfect opportunity to add to your 'library' of Dare to Blossom Cards. Contact me to order.

"Weaving Our Way Beyond Patriarchy" now available

The launch event was held on the evening of 21st November. I was honoured to be invited to read one of my pieces alongside a number of the other contributors. You can watch the recording here on YouTube.

If you would like to know more visit this link  (I am an affiliate so I receive a small percentage if you decide to order this or any other books.)


'Wisdom of Wild Cornwall' - the first Compass Rose Programme of 2025

As mentioned above, I have been prompted to redesign the first Compass Rose programme of 2025 to focus on the new cards. I had already rescheduled the 'Sanctuary Within' programme to begin towards the end of January, and now we will still be exploring that theme, with the addition of the Wisdom of Wild Cornwall. 

Here is an example spread I drew, simply to find out how the cards felt laid out on the Compass Rose. When you join a six week group, I draw two group cards each week, and they gradually build into this complete pattern over the time we spend together (I also draw individual cards for each of us in the Zoom gatherings).

There is one taster circle before the end of the year, on Wednesday 4th December, and two in January, before we enter into our flow in the week beginning Monday 20th January. You can find out more at those events, (contact me for the Zoom link) or, if you prefer, please contact me by replying to this email to ask any questions you may have, we can arrange a private Zoom chat if you wish.

The fee is £168 for the six weeks,  with a discount for previous attendees.  As well as the weekly Zoom gatherings (with a recording in case you miss one or would like to listen again to the conversations and insights), you will be invited to a private Facebook group where I share weekly and daily prompts. (If you prefer not to take part on FB, I can send these by email to you). All the details are here, along with a PayPal payment link. If you are in the UK and able to pay by bank transfer, and that helps me, so just ask for the details.

When any six week programme ends you continue to have access to all the materials in the group to review whenever you wish. You will also be eligible to join the Stay Connected Group where we share a monthly Zoom catch-up call and you will be offered a discount on all future programmes.

You can pay in two instalments if you wish. Contact me to arrange this or to arrange a one to one Zoom chat so you can consider if this may be for you. I occasionally offer a concessionary rate place so if you are drawn to this programme, but money is an issue please do ask for a conversation about this.

Other ways to connect: two monthly Circles, and one to one

The final monthly circle of 2024 is on on Saturday 14th December at 11.00 am. Contact me to receive the Zoom link if you would like to join me for a peaceful hour together. I will be putting the dates for 2025 on the website soon

And, you are always very welcome to contact me to arrange a one to one chat on Zoom to discuss working with me as your coach or to find out more about any of my events or programmes.

I send wishes for health and happiness for you and all you love.

Thank you for joining me here this month, any thoughts, feedback, or questions are always welcome.


Friday, 25 October 2024

November 2024 - Reason


Reflections: Reason

Pre-orders open for "Weaving Our Way Beyond Patriarchy - A Womancraft Compendium
'Sanctuary Within' - the final Compass Rose Programme of 2024
Wisdom of Wild Cornwall cards coming soon
Other ways to connect: two monthly Circles, and one to one

If you read this before Monday 28th, or Wednesday 30th October, you are warmly invited to join me for the Monday Monthly Circle, at 7.30 pm UK time, and/or the taster circle for Sanctuary Within on Wednesday at 11.00 am, see more below.

Reflections: Reason

Our circle of cards for 2024 has arrived at the next to last card, Reason, a soft dark green. My first response is... I am not sure. Does there need to be a Reason? Or, shall I choose to sit with all these cards, the words and their colours, and allow a connection, and perhaps a 'reason' to emerge?


If you would like to join me in reflection, ask yourself the questions here, and write in your journal. Or, if you prefer, read on and come back later.
  • What is your first response? To the word? To the colour?
  • What else is there?
  • And, what else?
  • What does Reason add to the other cards so far? How do all the colours connect together? 

What else is there?

I am doing as I just suggested, choosing to sit with all these cards, the words and their colours, and to allow a connection, and perhaps a 'reason' to emerge. The 'what else' that repeats itself to me now, is does there need to be a 'reason'? We human beings like to 'make sense' of things, as if we can ever truly know why things happen. Yes, there may well be a reason in some greater order, yet as individuals we can never truly know the answer to that, if indeed there actually is one. It feels a little like my reflections on 'Purpose'  which usually leave behind the idea of a 'grand purpose' in my life, and arrive at Love and Joy being the purpose of existence.

And, what else?

Maybe for me, the most useful way go forward just now is to 'live the questions' in the well-known quote from Rilke, as I can never hope to know the answers. Here is the full quote: 

"Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves, like locked rooms and like books that are now written in a very foreign tongue. Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps you will then gradually, without noticing it, live along some distant day into the answer."

― Rainer Maria Rilke

What does Reason add to the other cards so far? How do all the colours connect together?  

What does Reason add?  The colour is continuing the shades of blues and greens that have predominated all around this year, apart from those three bright colours. And just now this card, this word, feels to me as if it is simply there to reinforce that feeling of gentle reflection, or connecting with sky and sea.

Pre-orders open for "Weaving Our Way Beyond Patriarchy - A Womancraft Compendium

I am repeating a short version of this notification as pre-orders (and the special bonuses attached) are still open, and I think will close before the shipping date of 15th November.

I am honoured to have three of my pieces chosen to be included in this very special volume, celebrating the tenth anniversary of Womancraft Publishing. Publication date is in November. Everyone who pre-orders receives a number of bonuses, including an invitation to the launch event on 21st November, when I will be reading one of my pieces, along with other contributors. If you would like to know more visit this link  (I am an affiliate so I receive a small percentage if you decide to order, this or any other books.)


'Sanctuary Within' - the final Compass Rose Programme of 2024

As mentioned above, there is one more taster session, on Wednesday 30th October at 11.00 am,before this programme begins  the following week. Full details of the programme can be found on my website here. As always, this is not a 'course' with any assignments or challenges, simply a gentle invitation to gather with a group of like-minded people to connect and share as we flow through the weeks, around the Compass Rose.


If you prefer please contact me by replying to this email to ask any questions you may have, we can arrange a private Zoom chat if you wish.
The fee is £168 for the six weeks,  with a discount for previous attendees.  As well as the weekly Zoom gatherings (with a recording in case you miss one or would like to listen again to the conversations and insights), you will be invited to a private Facebook group where I share weekly and daily prompts. (If you prefer not to take part on FB, I can send these by email to you).

When any six week programme ends you continue to have access to all the materials in the group to review whenever you wish. You will also be eligible to join the Stay Connected Group where we share a monthly Zoom catch-up call and you will be offered a discount on all future programmes.

You can pay in two instalments if you wish. Contact me to arrange this or to arrange a one to one Zoom chat so you can consider if this may be for you. I occasionally offer a concessionary rate place so if you are drawn to this programme, but money is an issue please do ask for a conversation about this.

Wisdom of Wild Cornwall cards coming soon

A new, and very different deck of cards is 'under construction' just now. A little while ago one of the people who responds regularly to the word of the day in my 'Dare to Blossom into Joy' group on Facebook, mentioned that she had read 'Purpose' as 'Porpoise'. That made us smile - and it set me off a whole new creative journey.

The outcome has been a new deck with the title 'Wisdom of Wild Cornwall'. Each word is an aspect of the natural world that I encounter here in Cornwall. Some are birds, others are animals, trees, wild flowers - and yes, porpoise has to be included. Harbour porpoises are quite common around the coast here, even though not something I see regularly. Other cards are to do with the atmosphere and the solar system around us, such as tide, rainbow, thunder, sun, moon.

For the first time, I decided to use a different image for the back of the cards, So the familiar 'Dare to Blossom Passionflower' will be replaced with one of my photos that represents 'wild Cornwall' to me. Taken on a walk on Constantine beach very recently, with the Quies and Trevose Head in the background.

I have just ordered the first proofs to check and make any changes I wish before ordering stock to offer for sale. I am thinking I may write a companion guide, not with interpretations because (as with the Rediscovery Cards) I feel that is up to each individual, not for me to tell you - but to write a little about each word, and maybe something about what I receive when I connect with each card. In order to write this I realised I need the cards physically in my hands, and it could take a while.

However, many of my contacts have told me they would love to be able to buy the cards without waiting for the guide - so that is what I will do, They should be available well before the end of November - I may send out a 'special bulletin' (or maybe not), either way, feel free to contact me to ask for notification if we are not connected on FB.

Other ways to connect: two monthly Circles, and one to one

The monthly circles are continuing, as mentioned above, you may be in time to join us on Monday 28th October at 7.30 pm. The November dates are Saturday 9th at 11.00 am, and Monday 25th at 7.30 pm. There will be just one gathering in December, on Saturday 14th. Contact me to receive the Zoom links if you would like to join me for a peaceful hour together.

And, you are always very welcome to contact me to arrange a one to one chat on Zoom to discuss working with me as your coach or to find out more about any of my events or programmes.

I send wishes for health and happiness for you and all you love.

Thank you for joining me here this month, any thoughts, feedback, or questions are always welcome.


Thursday, 26 September 2024

October 2024 - Stillness


Welcome to the Dare to Blossom Newsletter

Reflections: Stillness
Pre-orders open for "Weaving Our Way Beyond Patriarchy - A Womancraft Compendium
Two Compass Rose Programmes to complete 2024
SilverFest in Tavistock 17th and 18th October
Other ways to connect: two monthly Circles, and one to one

If you read this before Monday 30th September, you are warmly invited to join me for the Monday Monthly Circle, here is the Zoom link for 7.30 pm UK time.

Reflections: Stillness

My first response is: ah, a return to shades of blue. 


If you would like to join me in reflection, ask yourself the questions here, and write in your journal. Or, if you prefer, read on and come back later.
  • What is your first response? To the word? To the colour?
  • What else is there?
  • And, what else?
  • What does Stillness add to the other cards so far? How do the colours connect together? 

What else is there?

Stillness - a deep breath in, a deeper one out. My favourite place to experience Stillness is in nature. And, of course nature is rarely, if ever, still. Something about allowing myself to simply be, to observe whatever is around me, allows me to drop into Stillness within. Recently we had some glorious September weather here in Cornwall and as I walked on the cliffs I was able to stop, sit on a rock and be still. Even when I want to keep moving to stay warm, there is a quality of Stillness to be found within.

And, what else?

Sometimes for me, the hardest thing is to find Stillness in my thoughts. My busy mind is full of things to do, often with fears and worries constantly popping up. Can I drop down below that surface, down, down into Stillness? Or I could choose to soar, up, up, above the clouds of daily life, up into the blue blueness of the sky above.

What does Stillness add to the other cards so far? How do the colours connect together?  

What does Stillness add?  As I look at the photo again, I notice that the quarter points of the circle each have a turquoise blue/green card (not to mention the others in that shade that have appeared also). Angels - January, could be seen as North. Reflect - April, East, is directly opposite Stillness, a beautiful pairing. Intuition - South. And now back to Stillness - West. I notice the cards are in more than one shade of turquoise blue/green. With the addition of Silence, and Growth, they all fit together so beautifully (as they always do, and even now that still surprises me).

Pre-orders open for "Weaving Our Way Beyond Patriarchy - A Womancraft Compendium

I am honoured to have three of my pieces chosen to be included in this very special volume, celebrating the tenth anniversary of Womancraft Publishing. Publication date is in November. Everyone who pre-orders receives a number of bonuses. If you would like to know more visit this link  (I am an affiliate so I receive a small percentage if you decide to order, this or any other books.)

From the Womancraft website:

"If what we are experiencing right now are the death throes of patriarchy…how did we get here…and what comes next?

Taking the ancient women’s work of weaving as its framework, Weaving Our Way Beyond Patriarchy is a collaborative text of voices woven from the Womancraft community – our own authors, both established and upcoming, aligned authors published elsewhere, and readers, ranging in age from twelve to over seventy.

Through poetry, prose, letters, articles and artwork, more than eighty women – authors, ​activists,​ artists,​ ​community builders, doctors, doulas, ​priestesses, ​poets, permaculturalists, professors, teachers, witches, ​yoga teachers, mothers, grandmothers – reflect on what it might look like beyond patriarchy and how we might get there, from the big picture to the domestic details.

This diverse and inclusive compendium of contemporary women’s wisdom is bound to become a much-loved handbook to carry us forward through these strange and uncertain times, with words to encourage and inspire us and our sisters, daughters, granddaughters, friends and communities."

Two Compass Rose Programmes as we complete 2024

This year I am offering two programmes during November and early December, with the calls on different days and times, intending to suit people with varying schedules or in different time zones.

The first is 'Rediscover Your Inner Wisdom' with taster sessions on Tuesdays 8th and 22nd October at 2.30 pm UK time. The six-week flow will begin on Sunday 27th October with the weekly Zoom gatherings on Tuesdays at the same time.

The other is 'Sanctuary Within', with just one taster session, on Wednesday 30th October at 11.00 am, beginning the following week.

Whichever programme you may choose to join, the six weeks together will offer you a place where you can rediscover your inner wisdom and find a sanctuary within yourself.  Depending on the response, I may combine the two programmes into one with two call times each week, or offer just one or the other - I am leaving it all open to exploration just now. Please rely to this email if you have any thoughts on this.

You are most welcome to join me for all or any of the taster circles just to have fun and find out more, with no expectation that you will sign up, simply the gentle invitation to do so if they feel right for you.
The fee for either will be £168 for the six weeks,  with a discount for previous attendees. If they both run as separate programmes and you should wish to come along to both, I will offer you a good discount, just contact me to discuss. As well as the weekly Zoom gatherings (with a recording in case you miss one or would like to listen again to the conversations and insights), you will be invited to a private Facebook group where I share weekly and daily prompts. (If you prefer not to take part on FB, I can send these by email to you).

When any six week programme ends you continue to have access to all the materials in the group to review whenever you wish. You will also be eligible to join the Stay Connected Group where we share a monthly Zoom catch-up call and you will be offered a discount on all future programmes.

You can pay in two instalments if you wish. Contact me to arrange this or to arrange a one to one Zoom chat so you can consider if this may be for you. I occasionally offer a concessionary rate place so if you are drawn to this programme, but money is an issue please do ask for a conversation about this.

SilverFest in Tavistock 17th and 18th October

This year the Silver Tent celebration is on two days, Thursday 17th and Friday 18th October. It is open to any woman over fifty, you do not need to be a member (although you can join the online community free of charge, on the website here, or on Facebook). There is some information on the flyer image below, I hope to have full details of the programme very soon, so do reply to this email if you would like to know more about attending on one or both days. Or if you prefer to ask the organiser direct, contact Vanessa on

I will be there with a table showing my books, cards and artwork, and there will be talks and workshops. For some reason I don't have any photos of last year's events, here is my stand at the Bude Feel Good Festival on 8th September.

Other ways to connect: two monthly Circles, and one to one

The monthly circles are continuing, as mentioned above, you may be in time to join us on Monday 30th at 7.30 pm. The October dates are Saturday 12th at 11.00 am, and Monday 28th at 7.30 pm. Contact me to receive the Zoom links if you would like to join me for a peaceful hour together.

And, you are always very welcome to contact me to arrange a one to one chat on Zoom to discuss working with me as your coach or to find out more about any of my events or programmes.

I send wishes for health and happiness for you and all you love.

Thank you for joining me here this month, any thoughts, feedback, or questions are always welcome.


Thursday, 29 August 2024

September 2024 - Celebration


Welcome to the Dare to Blossom Newsletter

Reflections: Celebration
The 'Shine Your Light' Compass Rose Programme: two taster circles before we start on 16th September
Bude 'Feel Good Festival' on Saturday 7th September
Other ways to connect
Reading Recommendations

Reflections: Celebration

My first response is: wow! Another bright card.....Celebration.


If you would like to join me in reflection, ask yourself the questions here, and write in your journal. Or, if you prefer, read on and come back later.
  • What is your first response? To the word? To the colour?
  • What else is there?
  • And, what else?
  • What does Celebration add to the other cards so far? How do the colours connect together? 

What else is there?

Celebrations are being planned for the launch of the audio version of Your Compass Rose Speaks: Rediscover Your Inner Wisdom - it is taking time to get it right, and that is fine, it will be released at just the perfect moment. 

And, what else?

Celebration: sometimes for me, life feels hard, and I can forget to simply enjoy each moment. To celebrate being alive, being here. Although I am getting better at halting negative thoughts, I love this reminder, and the bright, vibrant red.

What does Celebration add to the other cards so far? How do the colours connect together?  

What does Celebration add? Joy, fun, recognising the very fact that this year is unfolding beautifully (even when it does not always feel that way). Adding another bright colour to accentuate the flow of all the blues also feels joyful and playful. 

The 'Shine Your Light' Compass Rose Programme: two taster circles before the start on 16th September

This new programme 'Shine Your Light' - is an opportunity to gently explore your unique individual light within. How you would like to share it with the world - to shine - and how you wish your light to stay private for yourself too.

The taster sessions will be on Wednesdays 4th and 11th September at 11.00 am UK time.   Please do contact me for the Zoom links to join us or  if you have any other questions. I am delighted to say that there are enough people already signed up for this programme to run, and there are still spaces available if this feels a good time for you to embark on an exploration in company with me and a small group of like-minded people.

This six weeks together will offer you a place where you can begin to see your own inner light, so often hidden, hidden by yourself. As we share and witness for each other in our sacred circle, we will each begin to grow in confidence, and to allow our light to shine more brightly out into the world.

The fee will be £168 for the six weeks,  with a discount for previous attendees. As well as the weekly Zoom gatherings each Wednesday at 11.00 am, (with a recording in case you miss one or would like to listen again to the conversations and insights), you will be invited to a private Facebook group where I share weekly and daily prompts. (If you prefer not to take part on FB, I can send these by email to you).

When the six week programme ends you will have access to all the materials in the group to review whenever you wish. You will also be eligible to join the Stay Connected Group where we share a monthly Zoom catch-up call and you will be offered a discount on all future programmes.

You can pay in two instalments if you wish. Contact me to arrange this or to arrange a one to one Zoom chat so you can consider if this may be for you. I occasionally offer a concessionary rate place so if you are drawn to this programme, but money is an issue please do ask for a conversation about this.

Bude 'Feel Good Festival' on Saturday 7th September

I have decided to book a space at this event in Bude, it will be chance to meet old friends and new, to talk about my work and show people my books, art and cards in person for once. All being well a few items will be sold and take up their place in a new home. If you know anyone in that area please do help spread the word, it is free to come in and Bude is a lovely spot for a day out, with beautiful beaches, a great little museum and plenty of good cafes.

If you click on the image you will be taken to the Facebook event page, or simply contact me with any questions

I will be offering special prices on paintings and books for people who come to visit the show, and after the event I will extend those to you, my loyal newsletter readers, as well.

Other ways to connect

The monthly circles are continuing, the September dates are Saturday 14th at 11.00 am, and Monday 30th at 7.30 pm. Contact me to receive the Zoom links if you would like to join me for a peaceful hour together.

And, you are always very welcome to contact me to arrange a one to one chat on Zoom to discuss working with me as your coach or to find out more about any of my events or programmes.

Reading Recommendations

There are lots of great books coming out just now, and as you may know, I love buying from small publishers - the two I most often recommend are my own publisher Golden Dragonfly Press, and Womancraft Publishing.  They both have a big list of titles, as well as the upcoming releases. I am delighted to have been involved in a small way with the tenth anniversary celebration Compendium for Womancraft, pre-orders for that open on 6th September. If you visit their website and sign up for the newsletter you get first news and qualify  for discounts too.

I send wishes for health and happiness for you and all you love.

Thank you for joining me here this month, any thoughts, feedback, or questions are always welcome.


Wednesday, 31 July 2024

August 2024 - Radiate

 Welcome to the Dare to Blossom Newsletter

This summer's programme is a series of six workshops on Zoom so you can choose when to take part during the  holiday season - read on for more details.

Reflections: Radiate
Summer Compass Rose Workshops continue

The 'Shine Your Light' Compass Rose Programme: two taster circles before we start on 16th September
'Your Compass Rose Speaks' audiobook release very soon

Dare to Blossom Cards, Books and Art (exclusive sale prices on paintings for newsletter readers)
One to One Coaching
A shout-out for: Womancraft Publishing

Reflections: Radiate

So interesting to see the unusual flow of so many shades of blue interrupted by this summery card

Radiate: here in the UK it is summer, even though the weather recently has not been very good - lots of rain and clouds here in Cornwall, and now this week the sun has come out and it has been glorious. Such a cheerful card: I think of the smiles of the people here on holiday, of the joy of connecting with you however we do that.


If you would like to join me in reflection, ask yourself the questions here, and write in your journal. Or, if you prefer, read on and come back later.
  • What is your first response? To the word? To the colour?
  • What else is there?
  • And, what else?
  • What does Radiate add to the other cards so far? How do the colours connect together? 

What else is there?

Yesterday I did some writing in my little travelling journal, whilst sitting over a solo coffee in a peaceful cafe (which soon filled up with the buzz of others arriving). I will be sharing more of that further down in this newsletter as it was in connection with the September 'Shine Your Light' programme.

And, what else?

There are so many aspects to the word 'Radiate' The sun's radiation, that maintains life on Earth  Someone's personality that radiates out to the people around them. A radiator, providing heat in my home.

What does Radiate add to the other cards so far? How do the colours connect together?  

First, my eyes are drawn to the positions of the cards. Radiate is opposite Silence, Preceded by Intuition. All the sea blues interspersed with (so far) just two different colours. The warm yellow of Radiate speaks of the summer sun to me. And the equally warm red of Story reminds me of the red Devon sandstone cliffs at Sidmouth, a place my husband and I love visiting. The last time we were there was a stormy day in March 2023.

Summer Compass Rose Workshops

As I mentioned last month, it is nine years since I left full time employment and decided to focus solely on Dare to Blossom after the rather difficult time of being made redundant, helping to close up the office, and saying goodbye to colleagues, I decided to play - and so the idea of a 'Magic Carpet Ride' was born. Little did I know then that it would become such an integral part of all I do now.

If you read that piece last month, you may remember I have decided to offer stand alone workshops on Zoom during July and August. They will follow the usual flow beginning in the centre, in Peace, visiting each point of the compass: North - Purpose, East - Passion, South - Power, West - Progress, and returning to the centre point to Peace. For this summer season, you are invited to dip a toe in the water, to try out one or more of these workshops.

The first two workshops have taken place, both were a beautiful small gatherings with some powerful insights for all of us present.

Each can be booked separately, for £25, allowing flexibility around your plans for the summer. (If you are a member of the Stay Connected group of people who have taken part in any of the six week Compass Rose programmes then there is a special price for you).

All on Wednesdays at 11.00 am UK time. The next is on 7th august, and the theme is the East point of the Compass Rose, Passion.

Click here for all the dates and booking links, or simply reply to this email if you have any questions.

The 'Shine Your Light' Compass Rose Programme: two taster circles before 16th September

This new programme 'Shine Your Light' - is an opportunity to gently explore your unique individual light within. How you would like to share it with the world - to shine - and how you wish your light to stay private for yourself too.

The taster sessions will be on Wednesdays 4th and 11th September at 11.00 am UK time.  I may offer additional tasters at a later hour to be easier for those of you in North America. Please do contact me if this would be of interest to you, or if you have any other questions.

The six week turn around the Compass Rose will open week beginning 16th September. The fee will be £168 for the six weeks,  with a discount for previous attendees. As well as the weekly Zoom gatherings each Wednesday at 11.00 am, (with a recording in case you miss one or would like to listen again to the conversations and insights), you will be invited to a private Facebook group where I share weekly and daily prompts. (If you prefer not to take part on FB, I can send these by email to you). When the six week programme ends you will have access to all the materials in the group to review whenever you wish. You will also be eligible to join the Stay Connected Group where we share a monthly Zoom catch-up call and you will be offered a discount on all future programmes.

You can pay in two instalments if you wish. Contact me to arrange this or to arrange a one to one Zoom chat so you can consider if this may be for you. I occasionally offer a concessionary rate place so if you are drawn to this but money is an issue please do ask for a conversation about this.

'Your Compass Rose Speaks' audiobook release very soon

The release of the audio version of my most recent book is very close now. After an interesting experience for me recording it, and lots of work by my wonderful publisher Alice of the Golden Dragonfly Press, it is nearly ready, and will be available via Amazon/Audible


Dare to Blossom Cards, Books and Art  (exclusive sale prices on paintings for newsletter readers)

While I have been emphasising the new 'Time for You' Cards recently, all my other offerings are still popular - the two decks of 'Rediscovery Cards' are also only available direct from me.

I have some copies of most of my books that I can sign and dedicate for you, see the website page here, simply reply to this email to ask me about them. Alternatively you will find them from online booksellers.

Finally, here are some examples of my encaustic artwork -  I am aware that I have not updated my website page for some time as I have been mostly selling them via private connections. As a thank you to, my loyal newsletter readers, I am offering you special sale prices, all half price - £24 instead of  £48 (plus p&p to where you are), on any of the wax paintings shown here. They are small (mounted size 6"x8"), light, and easy to post. Showing them together doesn't really do the glowing colours justice, so I can send you a better photo, simply contact me to ask about availability of any you would like to buy.


One to One Coaching

The 'Deep and Slow' special offer for six x one hour sessions is still available. And so is the completely flexible 'Rediscovery Coaching' service where you can book one session or more, 30 minutes or an hour.

In any case, the first step is to 
contact me (or simply reply to this email) for a chat on Zoom to discover if it feels good for us to work together, and which option would suit you best. For those of us not busy with family and holidays, the summer months may feel a little empty, so this can be the perfect time to gift yourself the opportunity for some gentle in-depth exploration.

I send wishes for health and happiness for you and all you love.

Thank you for joining me here this month, any thoughts, feedback, or questions are always welcome.
