Wednesday, 22 February 2017

March 2017 - Life Shifts

In this Issue: 
Reflections: Life Shifts
Events: Dare to Blossom Workshops
Inspirational links

Reflections: Life Shifts

This newsletter is coming to you early this time, as I am part of a blog tour to celebrate the publication of a new collaborative book with Jodi Chapman and Dan Teck. This is the second in their series of 365 Books where I have been a contributing author.

The title of the new book is 365 Life Shifts, and I have two pieces of writing included this time. Both are about pivotal events in my life. Alongside these are another 363 chapters from numerous other writers, all sharing from their hearts with the intention to help others. So, this piece is of course to play my part in spreading the word about our joint project with contributors from all around the world. (You may spot me in the collage below, if you click anywhere on the photo it will take you to my Amazon page to order, and do come back and read some more.)

The title offers me an intriguing topic for my regular 'reflections' piece........ see more below.

So - where will this prompt of 'life shifts' take me? The sub-title is 'Pivotal moments that changed everything'.. We all have those in our lives. Sometimes it is clear that a big change is happening - when we experience redundancy, illness, bereavement, divorce, childbirth, or maybe simply a change of where we live (though that is not necessarily simple in my experience).

Musing today, on a wet misty afternoon in Cornwall, there are thoughts arising - as if from the mist, the fog, of obscured awareness. Something about life shifting around me even as I sit here. My heart is beating, my lungs are doing what they do, my body is functioning to digest my food and provide me with energy. In each moment, each second, changes are happening. Can you see the magnolia petal drifting down from the tree above in this photo? It is an interim moment, between being part of the flower and landing on the ground, to gradually fade and become compost.

If the flower had awareness, I wonder if it would be surprised? For me, I am reminded of the moment when the fog clears and something big is revealed that was not even hinted at a few moments before. This often happens when we are visiting the North Devon coast. Lundy Island is clearly visible on most days, on others the low cloud or sea mist obscures it entirely. 

I am curious - why has my mind taken me to this thought from the starting point of 'life shifts'? The clearing of the mental 'fog' in my life often happens in an instant: that may be a moment of insight. Or it may be a literal, physical shock, such as we experience when a near-miss happens when driving. A sudden appreciation of the fragile nature of our physical existence and how precious it is, each moment.

Part of my learning to sit with 'being' as well as 'doing' out in the world, has been that awareness of the fleeting nature of each day, each hour, each minute. To value that as best I can; and to forgive myself when my very normal human imperfection has me forgetting. To appreciate those pivotal, wake-up call moments.

For you, in your meditation or journal writing:
- what life shifting moments come to mind for you? You may choose to flow write or meditate on one of these.
- what emerges for you?
- what gifts can you find within?
- do you wish to paint, draw, collage - express this visually in some way?

To purchase a copy of  "365 Life Shifts" for yourself, click here
I ordered my copy this morning and look forward to reading the stories we have all shared there. Many of the authors offer bonus gifts, once you have your order number (from Amazon or any other bookseller) you simply need to visit the main website for the book and follow the instructions there to access them. I have not made a general offer this time - however as a reader of this newsletter or on my blog page, I would love to offer you an extended consultation, (30 minutes rather than the usual 20 minutes) - a chance to talk and to experience the Rediscovery Coaching process for yourself. Simply contact me to book a video-conference call.

Events: Dare to Blossom Workshops

There is a full programme of Magic Carpet Ride Workshops planned for the Blue Lotus Therapy Centre throughout 2017 in Cornwall, plus the special one day event in Glastonbury on 6th May. Just visit the Workshops and Events Page.

Inspirational links

Since I began writing this newsletter the launch of 365 Life Shifts has taken place, with the book becoming a number one best seller on Amazon in a number of categories and countries. The way that Jodi and Dan bring everyone together in a community to collaborate on their books and to share in promotion is inspirational. They have such a heart-centred way of doing this which feels so wonderful. If you would like to be involved in future books you can connect with them here on Facebook and on their website  You will find much to inspire you.

As always, please feel free to comment below with your thoughts and comments. 

If you would like to own a set of Dare to Blossom Rediscovery cards to explore their power for yourself please visit the dedicated page.

Thank you dear friends for visiting with me again this month and sharing my musings.

Until next time,

with love,

Find 'Dare to Blossom Life Coaching' on Facebook, @daretoblossom on Twitter