Saturday, 24 February 2024

March 2024 - Story

 First Anniversary Book Publication Celebration events

Taster events for the new six-week Compass Rose programme: "Diving for Life,Soaring in Joy!
Reflections: Story
One to One Coaching: new programme "Deep and slow"

First Anniversary Book Publication Celebration events

As often happens, I am sending the newsletter early to give you a chance to join me in events right at the end of February. (I used to send extra 'bulletin' emails but often people only want to hear from me once a month.)

This time it is the two celebration Zoom gatherings to mark the first anniversary of the publication of 'Your Compass Rose Speaks: Rediscover Your Inner Wisdom.'. Each will last about an hour, If you have your own copy I would love to hear your feedback. You may like to choose a short passage to read during one of the events?

And, if you are like me, and enthusiastically buy books, only for them to sit in a 'to read' pile for a while - maybe this is a gentle prompt to dip in? 

They are on Tuesday 27th February at 7.30 pm UK time.  Zoom link here:

And Wednesday 28th February at 11.00 am UK, Zoom ink here: 

There is a new review of the book on Amazon, and my website, with thanks to Jacqui Empson-High. Here is an extract, with a link to read the full review.

 A Gentle Way to Discover Who You Really Are

Mary Lunnen has not only written a book that can speak to all who are eager to discover who they are and what they want from their lives, she has created a template that everyone can use for themselves, at their own pace in a time of their choosing.  In a world filled with technology and a need to always be ‘doing’ something to fit in all you are expected to achieve, this book is an antidote to rushing around and ticking off items on a to-do list. 

The book explains how to use it, introduces us to Mary’s Rediscovery Cards, her Magic Carpet rides and visualisations, and then sets out the points of the Compass Rose ready to explore.  Mary will not lead you on your journey, that is your own journey to rediscover your true core, your true self, but she will be along side you and will share in your excitement and discovery of the still, small voice inside you that is you.  You will begin to discover where that magical, compassionate part of you has been and what layers have hidden you over the years.

It is writing, yes, but in all of the words you hear Mary’s gentle voice offering thoughts and ideas of how to explore the landscapes you visit. (To read the full review,click here , including the warning "Beware, you will not be the same person you started out as when you arrive at the end of the book." and scroll down to the bottom of the page.)

The lovely photo above of the book is from Trish Covich in New Zealand.

Taster events for the new six-week Compass Rose programme: "Diving for Life,Soaring in Joy!

The theme of 'Diving for Life, Soaring in Joy' has emerged from conversations in my groups, from my own reflections, and from earlier programmes with the title 'Weaving Shadow and Light'.

It feels a challenge to myself to dive deeper, beneath the surface. 

Delving beneath the surface reflections in this photo taken on the beach at Harlyn Bay near my home here in Cornwall. Diving down to rediscover, to retrieve the treasures of my life I may have stored there, down in the depths. Forgotten maybe, hidden so well for safe-keeping that I have lost the memories. 

Retrieving those parts of my life, of myself, that I wish to bring home, to soar again in joy. Here are full details.

The two taster events are on Wednesdays 6th and 13th March at 11.00 am UK time. Contact me by replying to this email to request the Zoom link, or find the events on Facebook.

Reflections: Story

My first response to seeing the card for March was - ah, a different colour! And then, what story am I telling myself today? Can I change that? Do I want to? Many of the events in my life, all our lives, are not under my control, yet I can always choose how to respond. Often my first response is a reaction, a basic gut feeling. Those reactions are programmed to keep us safe from immediate danger of injury, attack, or death - fight, flight or freeze.

Yet I know for me the story that brings up those fears is often not true of the situation in front of me. My protective brain can make assumptions such as 'Last time this happened, then that followed....' When - if - I choose a different way of seeing the event, my perception, my story, often changes. And that means that I can respond in a more powerful way in this moment.


If you would like to join me in reflection, ask yourself the questions here, and write in your journal. Or, if you prefer, read on and come back later.

  • What is your first response? To the word? To the colour?
  • What else is there?
  • And, what else?
  • What does Story add to the other cards so far? How do the colours connect together? 

What else is there?

Story - I love weaving stories, for myself and for others. For me they are therapeutic, absorbing, illuminating, 

And, what else?

Today, I do not have an answer, a response to that question. Not yet anyway. And that is fine - as it is for you - there are no rights or wrongs in this process. Simply a word, a colour, and they may or may not spark something for you today. Ah, now I am drawn to the colour, warm and cosy, bringing me a feeling of being tucked up snug in bed, being read a story by my mother as I drop off to sleep.

What does Story add to the other cards so far? How do the colours connect together?  

Those sea shades are now complemented by the warm red, Reminding me of the shades in these lovely chrysanthemums. For me the colour feels gently grounding, keeping me from floating too far away, out in the blue. Like sitting in sunshine in a beautiful garden.

One to One Coaching: new programme "Deep and slow"

For many people, the deeper connection of one to one sessions is perfect for them once in a while, either for a short block of six, or an on-going arrangement as and when required. People often make big breakthroughs in one or two sessions, and then return for a 'booster' whenever is right for them.

If this appeals to you, I would love to have a Zoom chat with you over a cuppa.  There is no pressure, simply an opportunity to find out what would be useful for you, and if my approach would be good for you. 

So often ‘fast’ and ‘quick’ are presented as good – and often they are indeed. Yet sometimes slow is good: a lazy walk with a friend on a summer afternoon; a leisurely meal with family, taking time to savour the food and enjoy the conversations. Deep and Slow is about the process, rather than the results you will receive. Those results are different each time. The way I support you now is very different to how I began by coaching career back in 2003. So different in fact, that I sometimes hesitate to call it 'coaching' - although that is still a useful term as people have an understanding of that expression. When you connect with me, for a one-off session or a series, I am there as a companion as you explore your own inner wisdom. Sometimes I can offer guidance along the way from my own experience, always being aware that you are different to me and on your own unique path.

You can read more about this programme here, and  testimonials here on my website. Simply reply to this email to ask more or to book a Zoom chat.


I send wishes for health and happiness for you and all you love.

Thank you for joining me here this month, any thoughts, feedback, or questions are always welcome.

