Wednesday, 26 February 2025

March 2025 - Beauty

 Launch of 'Your Compass Rose Speaks' audiobook

Saturday Dare to Blossom monthly circle 1st March
Reflections: Beauty

March half-price coaching offer
Substack space: 'Dare to Blossom with Mary Lunnen'
New Wisdom of Wild Cornwall deck emerging
'Step gently into your power' six-week Compass Rose programme

Launch of 'Your Compass Rose Speaks' audiobook

The audiobook will be available on Audible from 28th February, the date has been chosen as it is the second anniversary of the publication of the print version. If a link is available before I send this newsletter out to you, I will include it here. Huge gratitude to everyone who has encouraged and supported me during this process, and to my wonderful publisher Alice from The Golden Dragonfly Press.

We are planning a 'launch party' on Facebook on that day, 28th February, look out for that if we are connected there.

Saturday Dare to Blossom monthly circle

Our regular Saturday Zoom gathering is coming up on 1st March at 11.00 am UK time. Here is the Zoom link to click at the time if you would like to join us. Please also let me know by replying to this email if you will be coming along. There is no fee to attend, simply the invitation to offer a donation if your circumstances allow, and if not, that is fine too.

Reflections: Beauty

My first response is to take a deep breath, in.... and out.... Oh Beauty, seeming to link to Ease and Rest in the centre, and to continue the soft shades of purple and blue of all the cards so far.

If you would like to join me in reflection, ask yourself the questions here, and write in your journal. Or, if you prefer, read on and come back later.
  • What is your first response?
  • To the word? To the colour?
  • What else is there?
  • And, what else?
  • What is your response to the words together? How do all the colours connect? 

What else is there?
I am so grateful to live in such a beautiful part of the world, with countryside all around me, and just a short drive away from the cliffs and beaches of north Cornwall.

And, what else?
The 'what else?' for me today is a reminder that even when I am not able to get out, there is beauty all around me. Partly in the lovely things I choose to collect and decorate my home with. And also in the most ordinary of items. For example, I look at the pen on my desk here with my notebook, there is a beauty in the simple functionality of the design.

I also remember the times when I have been in a city surrounded by buildings, concrete, tarmac, traffic - even there, there is beauty to be found in the manufactured things, and nature is always present too. I may look up to the sky above - whether it is blue, or covered in clouds it is part of the dynamic atmosphere. If I look down at my feet I may see a tiny plant somehow growing through a gap in the flagstones of the pavement or in the gutter. There may be birds flying past or pecking around by a bench where someone recently ate a lunchtime sandwich.

I do not travel so much at the moment, but in the days when I used to visit London regularly, I would notice how so many people never look up or around, to see these things. Instead, they are rushing to get somewhere, probably looking down at their phone in their hand as they go.  When I was there it was unusual for me, and I was more inclined to look around, so I remind myself to do that in the familiar places here where I may also forget to enjoy and appreciate what is present as I go about everyday errands.


March half-price coaching offer

Have you ever worked with a life coach? My business is called that, 'life coaching', yet the people who have come to me over the years have come with such diverse needs - business, career, creative projects, family issues - and most of them have the underlying common theme of balance. Of 'time for me'. Of self-care.

Ahead of a long overdue price increase for my services I am offering a special price up to the end of March. Pop over to the Dare to Blossom website and click on 
Rediscovery Coaching to see the offer.

The first step is to book a free Zoom chat to find out if what I am offering is right for you just now. I have capacity for just six people one to one so if this is calling to you, why not find out more - I promise no pressure.

In the words of a past client:

"Talk to Mary, you will be glad you did!"

Step in, step through, this could be the doorway to the change you are longing for.....


My Substack space: 'Dare to Blossom with Mary Lunnen'

As I mentioned last month I decided against moving this newsletter to Substack straight away, but I did take the opportunity to 'just do it' rather than dithering over how to approach developing a Substack presence So I have begun using it as a place to share a 'messy first draft' of a potential Companion Guide to the Wisdom of Wild Cornwall Cards.

It felt, and still feels, a little scary to put these pieces out there just in their 'raw' state, but they have attracted a few subscribers - some who are old friends, others completely new to my work.

Currently it is all free, I may add extras for paid subscribers at some point, and I have included the option of a one-off donation for anyone who would like to support what I do, or to buy their own set of the cards. I would love it if you feel like taking a moment to visit there - and if you choose to subscribe (for free) that would be wonderful. Here is the link.

Oh, and I am finding an element of memoir is creeping in, with a sub-title emerging: Connections and Memories. Also, just a couple of days ago, the idea to write a piece for each card in the 'voice' of that aspect of Wild Cornwall. I had thought I would leave that until I was ready to start a second draft (probably still 'messy'!), but when I mentioned it yesterday someone took the time to comment to ask me to write about that card, Rain. So that is a challenge for me to begin.

New Wisdom of Wild Cornwall deck emerging

While I have been enjoying writing on Substack, the idea popped up of creating the Wisdom of Wild Cornwall No 2 deck sooner rather than later - so then I can write a companion guide covering all 100 cards. I have nearly finalised the words, and soon I will choose the colours and order a proof set.

In the meantime of course, if you would like to purchase any of the currently available four decks, either reply to this email, or pop over to the website here. And don't forget that if you want more than one set to contact me before ordering as then I can work out a combined postage price for you.

'Step gently into your power' six-week Compass Rose programme 

Thank you to those who have already asked about the next programme. While the current flow around the Compass Rose has just reached the halfway point, I am already looking ahead to 'what next?'

The theme has already appeared for me through reflections and conversations. As you know, 'Power' has been the starting point for much of my work over recent years. The longing for a way to bring the power of community and collaboration to the fore in the world, the gentle, more feminine aspect of power that supports others. So many of us reject the harsh destructive power we see out in the world, it is not surprising we do not wish our own inner power to be associated with that, yet how can we step into our own power in an authentic way?

These are the themes we will be exploring, using the tried and tested techniques of the Dare to Blossom Cards, the Magic Carpet Ride guided visualisations and the support of a small group where we are safe to share together.

You are the first to hear about this as I have yet to add this programme to the website, although it will soon be there. I am planning Zoom taster sessions at 11.00 am UK on Wednesdays 19th March and 2nd April, with the six week programme beginning on Monday 7th April (Zoom gatherings at 11.00 am on Wednesdays). The full fee is £175 for the six weeks, with discounts for people who have participated previously.  As always, simply contact me if you would like to know more.

I send wishes for health and happiness for you and all you love in 2025 and beyond.

Thank you for joining me here this month, any thoughts, feedback, or questions are always welcome.
