Thursday 17 October 2013


17 October 2013

My first response on drawing this card out of the pack was...... to take a deep breath in, and then breathe out, and ... well, respond to the suggestion to 'relax'. Despite many years of practicing self-care and using many techniques (which all at heart come back to that one thing - breathing deeply) - I still benefit from that reminder. So often I fall into the trap of the busy-busy mind: "I'll relax when.......". Those 'whens' include any number of things that are never going to be 'done', completed or finished. They will never be done because they are the stuff of life itself: my daily work, at home and out in the world; things I choose to do such as reading, writing to friends, taking photos, writing newsletters such as this.  So why would I want them to be finished I wonder?

I can choose not to do some of those things if I want to simplify my life. I can also choose that I will consciously take time to relax. As I sit here now writing to you, I am aware that my shoulders are tense; my hands are cold; I have my legs crossed at the ankle and tucked in an uncomfortable way under my seat; I am peering at the screen when I could easily put the light on. On top of all that I keep glancing at the clock as I have to leave for an appointment with my dentist soon. I can choose to relax instead  - by stretching, standing up, going outside for some fresh air.

The colour of this card is another shade of blue - a soft blue/grey. Very soothing and calming, the colour of a winter sea perhaps, or a hazy sky. I choose to breathe that colour in deeply......., and breathe out any stress or pain. At this moment the breathing out colour is a jangling mish-mash of colours, the sort of bombardment that comes at me from all directions sometimes - TV, Internet, etc etc. It feels good to be breathing that back out and taking in the calm soft blue.

As always, please feel free to comment below with your thoughts and comments. 

If you would like to own a set of cards to explore their power for yourself please visit the dedicated page.

Thank you dear friends for visiting with me again this week and sharing my musings.

Until next time,

with love,

*if you have any difficulty accessing the 'blogspot' service, you can also read here on the Daring to Blossom website, or find 'Dare to Blossom Life Coaching' on Facebook.

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