Thursday 9 May 2013


9 May 2013
In my second week of drawing cards to share with you I began by reflecting on the process. It will be different in that I am removing the card from my pack when it is drawn 
 to ensure that I will cover all 50 over the next year. This means that I will not be demonstrating that interesting and sometimes frustrating phenomenon of drawing the same card more than once. If you experience this with your own cards, as I often have, reflect on the gift of that quality staying with you.

It is early days yet, but I am also finding that I am focusing so much on this that each card is staying with me more than perhaps if I had not been sharing it. This has shown me how much value there is in giving something full attention, a lesson important to me when I feel sometimes surrounded by so much - so much knowledge, information, resources, books - all wonderful things. So much that maybe I forget to pause and access my own wisdom. That wisdom that I have inherited, that I learnt from my parents, from people as I was growing up, teachers of all kinds. That wisdom that has been distilled and integrated through my own experiences to be something unique to me. You have your wisdom too.

The colour of the background, a cool aqua/green shade, feels calming and soothing to me, cooling the nerves and any over reaction, having the wisdom not to be 'hot-headed' perhaps.

'Wisdom' also reminds me of the
Serenity Prayer by Rienhold Niebuhr

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the things I can,
And wisdom to know the difference.

You may find that the photos of the cards are sometimes 'skew-whiff' (I love that expression!) - this is because I took all 50 of the photos outside on a lovey calm sunny day in order to show the colour as true as possible for you, and as you will imagine, it took quite a while. I felt it was more authentic to show them to you just as they are, as you might have shuffled and drawn one out and put it down.

This is only my second week of sharing these reflections with you, I am already finding that it is deepening my reflections and giving the experience more meaning - so thank you to everyone reading for sharing this with me. I have found the two qualities of honesty and wisdom helping me pause and think during my busy days.

Finally, there will be another post on the blog this week in addition to this as I am taking part
 in 'What I Live For', an online event organised by author Satya Robyn on 10 May (tomorrow, and with a special offer on her book). It is a significant time for me as 12 May is the anniversary of my diagnosis with cervical cancer - 19 years ago this year - a time to celebrate life for me.

So - thank you for reading, please do comment below and share your thoughts - it will help me feel less lonely putting these thoughts out into the world like tender green shoots. It would be good to know there is a warm friendly environment out there rather than frosts and biting cold winds.

Until next week,


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