Thursday 25 July 2013



25 July 2013

When I drew  this card I laughed out loud, truly! The reason being that this was exactly the word that was coming up at the recent workshop with Soleira (along with blooming, and flourishing and other flowering words). Having seized the opportunity, as I wrote last week, the experiences that day moved me another step forward. Hmmm...... pausing to consider that... maybe that is true. Or maybe another way of putting it would be another step back to myself, a step along the way home, to rediscovering my true, glorious, genius self?

I think I mentioned that 'my' passionflower was this year about to flower outdoors for the first time ever, here is a picture of one of the first flowers to open. It isn't a very clear photograph, but I love the light and energy and the tendrils enjoying the freedom of the fresh air.

Passionflower blossoming in the light

It feels very significant that this is happening at this time, when I am feeling there is something bigger I can help to blossom into the world, something that my unique and individual experiences can offer. Something that will add to all the other wonderful things that every other unique and wonderful person is also in their own way sharing with the world. One of my realisations has been (and this again is a rediscovery, that feeling  - 'of course! I know that!') - that in limiting myself, by fitting in and keeping quiet, I am not serving the world, or myself.

This wonderful passionflower blossom doesn't care that it 'lives' inside the conservatory; is not afraid of the 'risk' of escaping through the window and blooming outside; doesn't worry what will happen when winter comes. In just being, being the glorious miraculous, magically perfect expression of itself, the passionflower has given me a gift of showing what can be achieved by 'daring to blossom' daring to be more of myself, to know that I am valued and appreciated. (Valued for being me, not just for the things I do.) And - the big one this - to value and appreciate myself, to rediscover the joy of self-love and self-care. And of jumping up and down like a child with the joy of this.

Thank you as always for sharing my blossoming, for being here with me while I talk through my latest growing pains and begin bursting out of the tight bud i have kept myself within. Thank you for helping me realise that "I was being more loyal to my fears than to my dreams." (A quote from Tara Mohr) Do add your own thoughts by commenting or joining the discussions just below.

Until next time,

with love


PS you can order your own set of cards here.


  1. As another who was drawn to this particular workshop of Soleira's, it's wonderful to see how quickly the insights of the day are continuing to blossom into being for you. I love your pink passion flower.

    1. Dear Jacquie,

      Thank you for your comment. The power of nature to inspire us is a glorious resource for all of us, isn't it. I'll be writing a little more about the Genius You workshop with Soleira in my August newsletter.

  2. What a beautiful passionflower! Such stunning colours x
    Janie x

    1. Hi again Jane

      I've looked up the name it is Passiflora antioquiensis, also known as the red banana passion flower (even though it is more of a cerise pink colour), because it has long fruit that are yellow in colour when ripe. There is another called Melissima or the pink banana passionflower, which is a pale pink, and is easier to grow. In fact my husband says he has a plant of that you can have if you are itnerested - where are you in Cornwall? If you want to contact me direct just email

  3. Yes, it is wonderful! There are lots of different passionflowers - I'll have to find out the proper name for you if you are serious about buying one. It took my husband several years to get this one established in our conservatory.
