Wednesday 7 August 2013



7 August 2013

When I drew this card, my first reaction was...... what? I suppose I could describe it as 'ambivalent', not sure, uncertain.Is power something I want, or something I am afraid of? The dark purple background feels 'powerful' in a number of ways.'Imperial purple' the colour that only emperors were allowed to wear; and the spiritual association  with the third eye and crown chakras. When I am meditating, or giving or receiving healing, I often see a very intense vibrant purple colour.
Returning to the word, I go to the online dictionary.  When I read all the definitions below I am not surprised I feel uncertain - such a lot of meaning in a short word. And some of the meanings such as number 1:"The ability to do or act; capability of doing or accomplishing something" - to me are positive.

Yes, I would like to feel I have this sort of personal power, to accomplish something. 
Some of the other definitions, speaking of 'possession'; 'control'; 'force' - are much less comfortable for me. 
ability to do or act; capability of doing or accomplishing something.
political or national strength: the balance of power in Europe.
great or marked ability to do or act; strength; might; force.
the possession of control or command over others; authority;ascendancy: 
power over men's minds.
political ascendancy or control in the government of a country,state, etc.: 
They attained power by overthrowing the legal government.
Maybe all these different meanings of one word 'Power' explain why many of us hesitate to claim our personal power, to admit, even to ourselves, that we have power. During this week of deliberation on 'Power' - I received this from Tara Mohr, with wonderful synchronicity (thank you Tara!)
The Quiet Power
I walked backwards, against time
and that’s where I caught the moon,
singing at me.
I steeped downwards, into my seat
and that’s where I caught freedom,
waiting for me, like a lilac.
I ended thought, and I ended story.
I stopped designing, and arguing, and
sculpting a happy life.
I didn’t die. I didn’t turn to dust.
Instead I chopped vegetables,
and made a calm lake in me
where the water was clear and sourced and still.
And when the ones I loved came to it,
I had something to give them, and
it offered them a soft road out of pain.
I became beloved.
And I came to know that this was it.
The quiet power.
I could give something mighty, lasting,
that stopped the wheel of chaos,
by tending to the river inside,
keeping the water rich and deep,
keeping a bench for you to visit.
And thank you Tara for your permission to quote and link to your blog. One of the wonders of this online world is the magic of the connections it can make possible. I am now linked with people all over the world (as well as with my family who are so close to my heart), in a very real way. Not the 'quick click' of 'friend' or 'like' - (not that there is anything intrinsically wrong with those). Rather a way of corresponding as the letter writers and pen-friends of old used to, exchanging views and experiences, gradually getting to know each other, and perhaps meeting face to face as well.

In Tara's words - in this way we can perhaps feel too "
And I came to know that this was it. The quiet power................. keeping a bench for you to visit."

Thank you dear friends for visiting with me again this week and sharing my musings. As always, please feel free to comment below, I would love to hear your thoughts.

Until next time,

with love,

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